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Cultural & Ethnic Groups: Databases
American Indian History & Culture Encyclopedia
- Covers more than 240 Native American groups through primary source documents, biographies historical maps, and photographs.
Ethnic NewsWatch
- A full-text collection of newspapers, magazines and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press containing articles, editorials, columns, reviews, etc. and providing a broad diversity of perspectives and viewpoints.
Cultural & Ethnic Groups: Internet Sites
- Affirmative Action and Diversity Page
- Balanced presentation of affirmative action from the University of Southern California at Santa Barbara. Searchable. Includes history of affirmative action. Links to many articles and Web sites under headings such as "Proposition and Initiative Action," "Changing Definitions of Discrimination," "Economics of Affirmative Action," "Quotas and Proportional Representation," and others.
- Historical Census Statistics on the Foreign-Born Population of the United States: 1850 to 1990
- "This working paper presents selected decennial census data on the foreign-born population of the United States from 1850 to 1990. This paper updates and expands data on the foreign-born population published in 1975 in Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970." (site introduction)
- Jewish Communities of the World
- An abridged version of the report entitled Jewish Communities of the World, published in 1998 by the World Jewish Congress. Profiles Jewish communities in 120 countries. Discusses demography, history, community institutions, culture, and religious life.
- Unpacking the Prairie: Jewish Women in the Upper Midwest
- This exhibit by the Jewish Historical Society of the Upper Midwest explores the history and lives of pioneer Jewish women in the Great Lakes and Plains regions. The site focuses on immigration during the 1880s and the challenges of maintaining cultural and religious traditions while creating a home in a new country.
- Voice of the Shuttle: Minority Studies Page
- Contains links to many sites on minorities and ethnic groups. Includes a major section on minority literature.
Cultural & Ethnic Groups: Topical Search Engines
- Index of Native American Resources on the Internet
- Use this site to find numerous Web resources on Native Americans and other indigenous peoples. Hierarchical arrangement.
Internet Assignment Pages
Internet assignment pages are created for specific class assignments that require the use of Internet resources. Check the assignment pages for additional resources.